Sunday, 25 January 2015

Saturday Night Dinner

And as I spoke to Ed last night and said "Do you want.... or.... for dinner tonight" that means that the usual Saturday night dinner of roast veg is being served tonight instead
Yum yum
And it was delicious tonight, cooked for about 10-15 minutes less than last week and it was spot on, all cooked but not burned. Yum yum big style

More Reasons

And we (me and SmallPaul) nipped to Morrisons for opening time, 11am, s'morning and did my usual shop for extras. As some stuff was reduced in price eg Clearasil scrubby cleaner so we bought extra and actually spent a smidge more here that we spent in Aardvark on Friday

Changed It

So SP had to change my bed today. And he insisted on putting on clean sheets and putting the old ones in the airing cupboard. It has been so long since this happened that my bed looks wrong with different coloured sheets etc now