Thursday 23 June 2016

To Hospital (2)

And I can really tell the difference. It was hard at first, it just felt different, wrong in some way but as the day went on I find myself walking easier, my right foot is a lot less likely to strike the floor on the way forward (although still sum) but I just noticed how many steps I was taking without my walking stick when cooking dinner. It seems easier so.....


And I went for a pee b4 we left house s'morning and didn't pee again until after these 3 events. Oh lordy, I used to need the loo nearly every 15 minutes, this has changed big style


Then, still without going home we parked on King Street and walked down to Caffi Iechyd Da to pick up my veg which had been delivered there s'morning


Next we drove back to Carmarthen, drove to the kids old school, thought "?", and phoned the place we were heading for, the Electoral Registration Officer. They gave us proper directions so eventually we found them, went in, gave them my letter that I had been told to print last night on the phone and was given another voting card which I was able to fill in and hand it in.
What a performance, round and round we drove, after asking 3 passers by directions we eventually found it

To Hospital

And s'morning we are going to Morriston Hospital to see "the expert" about FES
So we drove for ages to get there thru morning traffic but we made it. Sat there for a few mins then the chap came to see us. He asked if I minded having a trainee sat in but I said "No, carry on". He looked at me walking, said that it was better than last year, and made some changes to the FES that I so don't understand. He switched it to a lower current but higher... summat else.
I did comment to the trainee that the NHS is so skint that my doctor couldn't even afford socks