Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Then Carly phoned me as her and my father were at a meeting about my claim, she said "Nowt more" but that this meeting had definitely the first of the last kind of thing. She is having another meeting in mid October with even higher up legal types (my barrister IIRC) and although she couldn't promise said that I should know more and hopefully have my claim by Christmas


Then at dinner time that Toby came round to see me, and get his birthday pressie as I won't see him 'til after his birthday


What a day. So Paul came round and took me out to meet Jonathan who may be doing more hours for me. It is a strange situation but it seems OK. This is his first "caring role" as he delivers bread locally now. I think he seemed OK, lets hope it went well. We took him to my dentist to see where my "agenda" was, she said "Just finished it, hadn't even put a stamp on the envelope" and gave it to me. They wan't how much, obviously I need a lotta work. Then we went to my Drs. to get my asthma medication then we went to the chemist to get my script. Then it was late already, they both went home