Thursday 22 December 2011


Then later today that Sam chap came to see me and just generally be clever and good at 'puters etc. He is planning, if he can, to do a PhD in Biofuels which makes me a bit proud. He's my son and he wants to save the world. And we wished each other happy Christmas and Sam set up a Dropbox (which has extra size because he invited me) and he said that he really rates his Kindle too and he has already bought loadsa books so he will be able to Dropbox them to me for Christmas
And today I was having a crisis with BT, my email server was too knackered to post again today, I cried at Sam, he spent 35 seconds on my PC and it was working again


Then because Ed has so many hours with me tomorrow etc he went off today and left me alone


And we packed my luggage for tomorrow and he wrote down a list of additions that we need to pack last thing tomorrow morning

New Cushion

And the man came to deliver my new wheelchair cushion s'morning and just good lord, I feel much higher up than before, I think the old cushion must have been knackered


And last night in bed, as usual the heating switches off at midnight, and I was so warm(1) that I didn't need to pull my duvet over me at all last night

(1) Or so drunk??????