Wednesday 1 November 2017

Opened My Eyes

This program is very long but as I get thru it I am feeling more favorable about These Punks.
If you are gonna watch it leave an hour aside to watch it all

To Gym, To Gym, To Buy A Fat Pig

So we popped to gym to a different but similarly levelled class. Which was meant to be taken by someone else but actually had That Sam in charge. There were some familiar exercises and some new ones which Sam had to explain. And yes, I feel knackered but healthier, same as usual


So as it is all confused by half term at gym and there is no swimming class today I had thought we would go out for a long walk today but GGtGG has just arrived and says "There is another worker running a class at the same level as Sam at 2pm today, we are going to that".
So I thought "Yo"