Monday 19 February 2018

Double Figures

It was relatively toasty and warm today, in double figures for the first time in ages

Nearly Walk Off Without My 'Stick

I am so close to just walking off without my walking stick but "Be Careful" keeps eating my head and telling me not to. But I can walk a long way without it already


So as there was no swimming I went to the 2pm gym class and it wasn't taken by The Beautiful Sam. There was some chap in charge. But today on the standy up trampette I was actually able to stand on my right foot and lift my left foot 6 or 8 inches up, this was big progress from last time
And while cooking dinner in the kitchen tonight I was able to repeat the trick


And I am struggling with just being in a bad mood because of my circumstances. I am fscking sick of recuperating, I just want to be properly well. I want my life (and my wife) back.
"No, some carer will drive you to the gym then rub cream on your legs and chest after u have your bath"
Oh, and I am fscking sick of the additives to enable me to use the bath and the loo


So after thoughts s'morning I said "We need to go to the Drs again to collect another script". I am disappointed 'cos I thought we would walk in, the usual receptionist would be there, who saw me in last week, I would say "Now, why am I here again? Did I forget summat off my list or did I just feel the need to come in and see you again?". But the usual receptionist wasn't there today


And GGtGG on his way to work thought "Ah, half term, I'd better check" and called into gym and yes the class has changed the time to an unsuitable one and if we had showed up I wouldn't be wearing my FES so I wouldn't be able to do an exercise session.
Arse, arse, arse. So instead we are popping into Sam's 2pm class
Can't he just "Mind his own business"


I have got 2 days out of this month that I can't do