Friday 21 June 2013


Oh wow, so Google tells me that someone had thought of this dinner that I thought I might have invented first


So then I early slept before we nipped to Aardvark, actually no, I played Solitaire when I should have been asleep, napped for 15 minutes then had to get up as the shop was nearly closing
But I did it all, remembered to take onions out of the freezer at lunchtime and cooked a delicious Naan Pizza for dinner

Late Lunch

So we had a late lunch today as I needed to be in my new gym class from 1 'til 2 s'afternoon and I think it is bed to eat then exercise excessively.
So again I walked round and round, punctuated by stopping and bending then walk some more for about 3/4 of an hour then sat down in stretchy position for 10 minutes then walked at the end


So Sarah the OT came here today and discussed my weight etc etc. She is much too busy to come next week but we have made another appt for 2 weeks time, after I have seen the dietician