Saturday, 9 April 2011


Then my parents came over. Hoo-flippin'-ray. We had a cuppa and a chat then we headed off to the seaside to have a look at the beautiful women^h^h^h^h^hview and had lunch outside a café where they make your sandwiches from scratch, yes, it was lovely.
Then tonight we had a pizza and various salads that they prepared here, and did the washing up afterwards.
THEN we went out to Tesco where I got more Tofu with bits in that they don't sell in Morrisons &c
But tomorrow is a date closer to the day I died, 30th April 2003

They Are Away

But all of Ixion is away oop North ATM so I have got almost no email to read today. But as my parents have come over to celebrate me being still alive for my 42nd birthday tomorrow at least I have got some "entertainment"

Early To Bed

And I woke up at 7.15 s'morning with no chance of going back to sleep, it was much too sunny in my bedroom. I may have to close the curtains tonight, I usually leave then open as no-one can look in