Friday 12 July 2013

A Fan

And we had our usual Friday night tea of Naan bread pizza's and Alex hasn't tried one before and he liked it enough to say "I will have to try that at home". Which was nice


And I didn't have lunch before I went to the 1pm gym class today which was OK, but I told Alex to take us to Aardvark to do our shopping immediately afterwards which meant it was much too late for a lunch when we got back here. So I polished off my yoghurt from yesterday and called that lunch.
So roll on dinner now

Much Shopping

And after we went to 4 shops, with a car trip from one to the next, we finally found somewhere that sold proper v shaper pillows, not combinations of 2 pillows like I used last night. We bought one then had to drive to another shop to get pillow cases but in the end we did it. It's fitted now, lets see how it feels later
And it felt fine when I was napping this afternoon


And after sleeping with an improvised v bed thingy I am all in favour of buying a proper one today. I coughed some in bed but my chest feels better and lighter already

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

V shaped

So I am in a bed tonight with a v shaped double pillow. It is supposed to be lifting up my shoulders/back as well as my head and so far it does that and is well comfortable

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone