Tuesday 14 February 2012

It's Fixed

And I tried the most modern version of Blogger tonight, like I have tried it every night for some weeks but tonight it worked

So hoo-flippin'-ray, dunno what the difference is but.... it works


Good lord. When I said "Help me" I actually meant Toby would say "Instruct me" and cook the whole dinner (which was lovely) by himself
And he agreed that next Tuesday I will be a bit busy what with financial reps coming so he'd better come and cook for me again on Monday
He seems pleased to be cooking for me as he needs to learn how to cook
And he seemed like a happier chappie again, yes there are some di*k*eads in his life but he seems to be getting above them


So with Paul first of all I got out the laptop and Skyped that Denyse who is mid-moving house ATM. Then we went to gym today, I was back after my day off and It was a relatively small group today but we did it. Doing leg exercises I can see how much better my legs are bending, generally moving.
So I will go for a nap now then that Toby is coming up and helping us cook Chilli Sin Carne