Sunday 15 November 2015


As Sara Bailey (The Little Old Lady) is coming tomorrow and she is a "speech and language" therapist Timmy commented today about how much my speech has improved over the last year. Frankly I have forgotten why a S&L is involved as I am used to being able to speak etc again. So hopefully she will be impressed etc with what's going on
Apparently when Timmy started work he would not be able to understand everything that I said, whereas now it is as clear as.....




And because Sara Bailey (the little old lady) is coming to see me tomorrow morning I will have to do my weekly shop a day early (ish) today. Some weeks we do go on a Sunday but........
And we did it, got everything etc
And I walked about the house s'morning, walked to the car, wheelchaired about the shop, walked from the car to the house and continued walking after we got back home