Saturday, 27 January 2018

This evenings random thought

Was about this.....

Yum Yum

So after napping I switched the saucepan of food back on (as I had remembered to switch it off when we went out today) and stuck a couple of spuds into bake so we had food much later and I must say it was delicious. So I have divided it up into a small saucepan for tomorrow and 3 packets to go in the freezer when it has cooled more but I am rather impressed, I hadn't tasted the food while it was cooking so I was rather pleased when it turned out to be delicious. (According to Roy, not me!!!)

After Lunch

So immediately after lunch me and RoyG popped out and looked in 3 stores for a new vacuum cleaner for the house. In the end we found one and Roy bought it.
THEN we popped to the Lyric Theater on King St and bought two tickets (Well I get mine free, my accompanier pays) to see the Dubliners in April which is nice


Fark. So I have just peeled loadsa veg to make this weeks food and I did it all with my right hand. A few months ago I couldn't use my right hand, a few weeks ago I could use my right hand but it was slower, more difficult to do it.
Lordy, a big difference, I wouldn't even say it was more difficult using my right hand today. Today I just peeled the veg.
Just fark