Sunday 28 June 2015


And after looking myself for a number of hours I asked Ed if mobile phone font differences were possible, he said "No, just resize the page when u r looking at it" and 5 minutes later I had come across the piece of "<head><meta name=" that I needed to add, so from now all my webpages will be mobile phone readable but look exactly the same on a PC


And I have just watched the second episode of Dirk Gently that's been shown so far and VVVVVBG. The third episode will be out at some stage this week and I am looking forward to it already. I haven't felt like this about TV since my accident......
No, according to that Interweb the whole series has been shown, looking for it.....

Cooking With Ed

So today Ed has decided that we are gonna cook a new dish that I have never tried before. I am marginally nervous but quite excited too, it's a new skill, a new technique, kind of rolling up the peppers.
I have been shopping and the ingredients are in the fridge/cupboard....
Aargh, after napping I can safely say that the recipe has disappeared, looking for a similar, no luck
Well the improvisation is in the oven now, looks a bit lovely
We improvised with our ingredients and this, although you didn't have to skin the peppers etc it was lovely, we only had 1 pepper each so tomorrow....... etc

And Ed was about to cut the peppers to start, I had to say "No, rehabilitation"
chopped them, put most of the cheese mix in with my right hand,
and enjoyed cooking summat different

(Double AARGH) The web page seems to be back now.....(/DA)