Friday 6 January 2017

Not This Poorly, ANY MORE

Then today I was looking thru some old photos and I found one of my back at it's worst, good lord, MM saw it, pointed at the top RHS of the pic and said "It's not even 10% of this now" but then I looked further down the pic where it was worse......
Thank the lord that it is much better now

Right Hand Writing is Improving

It's still not perfect but my writing done with my right hand is so much better than it was last year

Sam's Back

So after a week without her that Sam the Gym instructor is back in Stroke class s'afternoon
And just WOW. I did the whole class with no walking stick, simply strolling around the place. Yes even Mark said that he could see that I was walking properly, weight to both sides, at the start of the class but as I got tired the quality decreased. But I did a whole hour with no walky stick!!!
And yes, I was overtaken by loadsa folk and I didn't concentrate on moving my arms too while I walked but it was still progressive