Saturday, 4 August 2018


So last night I was thinking repeatedly "Lets go to the pub" but I managed to resist. Today MM said "Shall we go out...."
We popped to the pub in Carmarthen and it was actually rather busy. Like a pub used to be on a Wednesday at dinner time 20 years ago, the busiest I have seen a pub in ages 

Sore Ass

And every now and again, when I roll over in bed or change my position in my chair my arse hurts loads where it was injected yesterday. Most of the time I can forget about it then every now and again I wanna shout

Standing Up

And I have just recalled to stand up properly from the bench outside or my chair. Get my feet in the right position and stand up without using my hands to push, just standing up with my legs, like a proper person

Cooked My Veg

And I cooked the weekly "loadsa casserole" today and in it there was carrots, courgette and green pepper from my garden, that I had grown myself 😅


And I don't have my FES on today but it seems to have worked getting the muscle memory into my right foot, it keeps itself level most of the time whereas it used to be about 30-40º to one side every step