Friday 21 May 2010


We found the dentist. Before he started I said "Accident 7 years ago, some teeth fell out". He looked and said "Root" 3 times meaning that was all that was left. He said you can either leave them or if you want us to remove them...... but I have loadsa work to be done on the rest anyway. Ahhhh.

He also suggested I but another electric toothbrush to make brushing more effective....


Then I had a thrilling morning. This afternoon I have to go to the dentist, I will have to say that my teeth were a bit wonky anyway when when I had a crash I lost 1 altogether and 3 more that just left a bit of a flipping tooth in my mouth. (Scared)


And I had just got up, only 1.5 through putting my boots on, when there was a knock on the door, it was a chap to fix my "Calling for help" machine which he did. It still sez the wrong time but he will ask someone who is coming here next week to fix that