Monday 1 October 2012


And for dinner I made mushrooms stuffed with soft cheese, (from a packet) small filled with butter jacket potatoes (also from a packet) and frozen carrots and swede which was nice

Table or .div #2

D'uh, I was looking thru my templates for summat else and found an example of "table" so I was able to fix it/make it look better

What fun

So today we went to BikeAbility in Haverfordwest, for the first time, to do this weeks cycling fun. They didn't have as many bikes as they usually do but it was fun anyway. For the first while we were going on a handle pedal machine then we got a sitting side by side tandem. Flipping knackered now tho...

(sent from my phone)
And the hand pedalling should make my right arm stronger, it was nearly able to reach all the time...

Spent too much

And s'morning I went to Morrison's and spent far too much cash on food etc