Monday 26 July 2010


And I have just spoken to Freya and I was correct, she said she was coming a day early this week (today) as she is going to a camp tomorrow.
Camp ~ but good lord, she must be beginning to get a life of her own as a grownup..... I think I met Julia on a camp originally

Gosh, Freya was here, we had quality time again, I am restarting to make friends


So in a bit I am off to (More Reason To Shop At) Morrisons to get my weeks shopping, I have written a list and put it in my pocket
And not on the list was "soup" but I bought a can anyway on impulse but good lord, I can't recall eating any soup in the years since my accident, but it was delicious today

Less lie in

Awww 7.00 this morning......