Monday 26 March 2018


And I put on my FES about 9 o'clock s'morning then put it back on after I had my bath this afternoon not because I was going out but because Sara recommended wearing it more.
Today we learned "Don't wash it when Neil is in the bath, just leave it dry then, don't wet it until he takes it off for the night"

I Can See

And my Dad phoned today, said "You were complaining about your vision last night, don't forget they thought you were blind when you were in hospital at first. Your Mum had to tell them that you could reach out towards her so obviously you could see her"


And afterwards it was lunchtime by the time we left so we popped into Asda despite Sara recommending 2 alternatives and had the slice of pizza again.
Same as last time we were down here

Take Us About An Hour

To get there apparently.....
Lordy. Yes it did take us 58 minutes to get there. When we got there I was stuck on the treadmill with a harness to catch me if I fell over. I walked for 10 minutes without holding on to anything. It is so different to walking with my 'stick or some other support but I did it. After that I was walking a few paces forward, turn left and walk another few steps sideways, turn left and repeat backwards and last of all turn left again and walk the other direction sideways. And again I managed this without holding on which I haven't been able to do for some years. Then last of all we did a stepping up onto a cushion and kicking all directions, again balance. And stepping up and back down in various directions etc. Oh yes, and we examined my splint, which I have been wearing for an hour or two in the evening and just said "Looks OK, keep it up"
Well it was hard work but I can see the progress I am making. We will head back in about a month to work out again