Friday 1 September 2017

Opened It

And I had pizza and chips for dinner tonight, it is a regalar Thursday/Friday dinner and the only day of the week when it is necessary to open the "chip" drawer in the freezer. The drawer that MM had to do a serious repair on this week. But to his credit the drawer just opened and closed again when I was finished
So big ta to him

Fetch It

Well the phone rang twice when I was in the bath today. Afterwards I looked at it and it said a Carmarthen no. So I thought...... who?.... and dialed back. It was the Toyota Garage in Carmarthen saying "Where are you, your new car is here...?"
Aargh. Much confusion and unpacking of boots etc then we popped into town and swapped the cars over. Just wow etc, it is so clever etc. 


So we have an early lunch today then off to Sam's class at gym. Lordy, I was getting much better last week but it still seemed that I was too poorly to be getting on with the class, again I am 17 times better than I was last week so......
Gord, yes, I am as better as a nearly back to normal person. Anle to use all the various machines again etc. Phew or somesuch