Friday 16 September 2016


And I had to return to Amazon the fleece I got yesterday, it was too small. So luckily GGtGG is much better at rewrapping stuff than I am and we stuck on an address label etc and headed into the filling station near the scary home where I used to live to the new(ish) model of the post office where I posted it away


Kiss Neil's......

Or is it Kick Neil's Penis.....?

Sam's Class

Well we are off to my weekly gym class in a bit....
Well it went as well as can be..... I spoke to (The Lovely) Sam about me moving up to the next class, she was really positive so I asked permission to hang about and watch. It did seem good, unlike previous classes there were a range of abilities, with some able to do one exercise better but not the others etc but I do think that it is probably worth me having a go. I probably won't do owt until it is back in the proper (bigger!!) room to exercise but apparently that will be in a couple or 3 weeks. At a guess I will try it once or twice and if I feel OK move up and if I feel negative then back to my curent class


S'morning "someone" was looking at all my photos etc. He looked at the picture of the Xmas lights switch on and said "Lordy, you were a lot fatter then"


So s'morning Wren, a Welsh chap, is in having a conference with Timmy about my care