Saturday 9 March 2013

Live & Learn

So tonight I was cooking scrambled eggs, beans and oven chips. When they were dun I was trying to lift up the egg bowl and fork stuff out. This didn't work, it was too hot to pick up, so I shouted "Help". Then I was trying to pick up the chips with a large spoon like tool, even bigger than a wooden spoon. This didn't work either. I saw my MOS picking up the eggs a spoonful at a time which worked but took a while. I should have lifted the eggs with that spoon device I used for the chips initially

What day/date?

And my new watch arrived s'morning. It was much cheaper to buy it from Amazon rather than a local shop, and I now can tell the date, time and what day it is from glancing at my wrist again.
I used to be able to do this but the strap on my old watch broke


And it felt a bit strange having Timmy tell Dicky about my new splint and my new, really expensive, piece of kit, my Bioness, which electrically impulses my leg. Because on Monday morning Dicky has to tell someone else about it and it is so important, it seems to work.
Walking with it on feels so different, so much better....
And Oh Dear, when we took it off for my bath my leg was well crushed, so we need to put it on much more loosely tomorrow