Tuesday 29 May 2012

Proper Shower

And it seems to have become normal at last to have a proper shower
A few weeks before I have a bath again


Then we went over to town to meet Denyse and Paul who had just interviewed the 3 chaps for my job. One was a no go so I had 2 to interview. A long and a short, Paul phoned one on his way home and asked him to come back and meet me, we were due to see the other chap on Monday. After chatting for a bit Denyse asked him to go out of the room, said the 2nd chap had txted her to say "Not enuf hours" so if I wanted to offer Richard a job I could, so I did. Now he needs to go thru all sorts of checks but his name has already been decided, Dicky

After Lunch

Then finally Timmy came here after lunch then took me to my new house where we discussed loads of furniture etc, what we need where and he drew out some plans of what will go where etc, and we were there for hours sorting it out.

Quiet Morning

So s'morning I had no staff as they were all at a Team Meeting to discuss me etc