Saturday, 14 October 2017


So s'morning I made the food for the week, then at lunchtime I opened the fridge and what was looking me in the eye? 250g of Curly Kale. Aargh, panic, eat lunch then chop it up and try to stir it into the already prepared and thickened dinner. Double Aargh, add more water to let it all cook together then if it is too runny I will thicken it up again
Well it looked a bit odd when I first tried to stir it in but over time it looks better
Well as far as my wonky taste buds are concerned it was a bit delicious. I will know for sure on Monday when I give MagicMark some to eat

Out To Feel Clever (?)

So me and Timmy are going out to a community quiz night in the village hall tonight. To either feel smug about how clever we are or feel daft.
Aaaaaaaa. Feel nearly as clever. There were 3 teams playing. One came in 6 points behind the winner, and we were one point behind. One point!!!

Shock Horror

So s'morning when MM and Timmy were having their handover chat I went to the kitchen and started cooking the pan of dinner that needs to cook slowly until tonight. But there was no-one looking after me, I could have cut myself or died or anything. They *must* keep an eye on my cooking. So whose "fault" was this? Mine for cooking when I had decided it was time or theirs for now having their handover meeting in the kitchen to keep an eye on me?
This is why Neil is a bit disgruntled with them "having to" keep an eye on me. WTF's the point. I cut myself once, ages ago, and because of that this new plan is in place