Monday, 30 January 2017


And having been outside tonight it is, significantly, just a bit chilly as opposed to fecking freezing which it has been for a couple of weeks.
Dunno, apparently the cold will be back in a few days but.....

Special Pocket

And today when we were out my eyepatch elastic broke. So I reached into my bumbag, went to the "secret" pocket at the back and took out a new one, still in it's wrapper.
Then later when I was back home I replaced the emergency patch with another new one out of the cupboard

Buying Mini Ice Creams

So we popped out tonight to get some more mini-ice cream lollies. So I bought 2 packets so they should last nearly a month. AND in the same shop we bought 2 bleaches as it was so cheap we didn't just get the one we needed. So petty cash card bought that


And for dinner tonight we had baked potatoes with that veggie bollock knees as I am a bit short of pasta ATM but it was fecking delicious, even nicer than with pasta.
So perhaps it needs a different name but who knows


And at lunchtime we are off to the swimming pool for exercises.
And I did it. Swimming and various walking and stretching exercises.
But today I swam 10 lengths for the first time since my accident. And it seems easier, I wasn't panting etc when I had finished.