Thursday 10 November 2011

No Car

And the car wasn't finished yet, hopefully it will be finished by tomorrow lunchtime when Paul will be able to pick it up


Good lord. So Ed took me to Cardiff to the splint fitters this afternoon. Gosh, so I only had a model made but it feels good already. In a few weeks I need to go back for the first fitting then another couple of weeks and it will be finished.
And I didn't have time for a nap today


And as I was mid-blog this AM and it suddenly said "New, improved, download" and I thought for a bit then did it, and my blog now looks a lot better, some of my issues have been fixed. Still have to add links and bold etc but it is better


So Ed came round at 10 this morning. He phoned Ceir Cawdor Cars in Carmarthen and said "The window winder for the back seat is broken" and they agreed to take it in this afternoon and have a look. So he will drive me to Cardiff (the splint fitter) in his car and hopefully pick up mine when we get back