Friday 17 August 2012


Mmmm, and my neighbour said to me t'other night "I am gonna make a cake for you at the weekend" and came round today with a large cake and handed it to me. Me and Dicky have just had a large slice each and it is a delicious fruitcake. And we had a big slice each, there is still ¾ of it left


And as we were nipping out I put my splint on, when we came back I took it off again, as instructed by Sara


So then we nipped into Argos and bought a heavy weight lifting bar,
then went and had a brew,
then went to Waverley Stores and did some more purchasing of organic food and drink


So Sara the physio came to see me s'morning, I said to her when she said "How are you?" that to most people who ask me that I would say "All the better for...." but with her I really mean it. We did some practice walking and she showed me how I am trying to walk and how I am when my brain gets lazy.
By the end she had me walking in my non-splintified right boot too, and at the end of the session we agreed that I will wear it indoors and only put my splint on when I am going outside. As I said "All the better...."

Right Hand

So today I used my right hand to put toothpaste on my toothbrush, the first time in more than 9 years

(sent from my phone)