Friday 8 January 2016


And I am scared as tomorrow morning I have gotta change the bed.  I have never carried the bag of bedding out on my own two feet, I useda take a day off my walking and carry it on my wheelchair.  Never, so am a bit intimidated
Well I managed s'morning, it was relatively easy, I might have been skiving somewhat in the past

Stress Cooking Pizza

And despite my moving stuff out before use etc I still found it needed loads of nipping about the kitchen to make pizza and chips but I fscking managed. On my own two feet
And it was a bit delicious 

Keep Your Dignity

Right, I had realised that not sitting in my wheelchair to leave the bathroom was making my big towel fall down, removing my dignity. So I had a look today in the cupboard and found 1 (Should have a partner, didn't see it today!) even bigger towel. So  I got out of the bath today, dried myself, got the biggest towel wrapped around my waist, was able to double over 6-8 inches and it stayed up while I walked out of the bathroom, carrying the piece of lifting device to be plugged in, my pants and my walking stick.
No passers by could look in the window and see my bottom

Gym Class

So me and MM are off in a bit to my only gym class that I go to each week. I am a bit excited about telling her how long it is since I sat in a wheelchair. And it felt a bit strange to listen to Timmy saying "You must fix his wheelchair" when I haven't sat in it for some days.
I s'pose that's future-proofing it etc but...
Well I went to class and worked really hard to try and get around this "You are being lazy since Christmas" accusation that has been made. I told Sam that it has been a number of days since I sat in a wheelchair and she made praising noises
But I am vaguely worried about Morrisons tomorrow, walking?  


So watching Breakfast Telly s'morning there was a piece about accesibility, gigs being more wheelchair friendly etc but I was nearly crying when watching and had to turn it off