Thursday 7 January 2016

Exploding Head

Now my head has blown up. That's because it is 2 or 3 days since I have sat in my wheelchair

Minor Panic

And I had another minor panic when I realised that 'cos of this "no wheelchair" rule I was gonna have to walk out of my bedroom after napping, carrying the washing basket and carry it all the way to the kitchen and put it on. I had always sat down to carry stuff before
But today I managed. Carrying in my right hand, walky stick in left hand, it just worked


So as Timmy was with me today and he had his "being in charge" head on I went on a bike and did the full 10km in just over 50 minutes.
And he did say that yesterday's crisis was just me forgetting that I have done it before at the pool, and when he said "It's broken" I panicked


So tonight I am in bed with no wheelchair at the side. Fark, how much better am I, have I got?????