Tuesday 15 April 2014


And Paul impressed me again (I know....) by fixing the outdoor string of butterfly lights. They were working until we lifted them yesterday to mow, since then only 1 bulb, next to controler was working. He checked along all of it, I said "No, it must be here" and in the end he found a piece of broken wire where I said. So scissors, pressing into place, insulating tape to cover the gap and all the lights light up again

In Hossie

Then s'afternoon I had to go to hospital to get given some equipment to monitor my breathing overnight. Then Paul will take it back in't morning.
If they think there is an issue with my breathing they will then take action, apparently an oxygen cylinder and some pipes up the nose is likely

Emergency muesli shopping

So last week as they had no Organic Delux Muesli in stock I bought a small bag of normal which ran out s'morning. As we were on the way to Aardvark we saw the Essentials lorry pulling away sojust in time
I walked the whole way from Wilkinsons car park the whole way to Aardvark and then stood up and waited for them to weigh out what we needed
Then we went into Wilkinsons and bought a garden rake because when "he" cut the grass yesterday it left some bits behind


And today Paul is getting stuck into fitting handles to my dining room chair so I can pull it closer to table etc. The ones that me and Alex bought yesterday but Alex bottled out and wouldn't fit them. But Paul is coming across as less scared...

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.