Sunday 7 July 2013

My Cough

So I hardly coughed at all today, then this evening I was coughing loads for a couple of hours. Then for another couple of hours I was hardly coughing at all again.

Birds Singing

So I was sitting outside tonight as it was so warm and about 9.30 my attention was grabbed by a couple of birdies singing lovely songs as they flew around. Now I don't know if the time of year is even close etc but it did occur to me that these birdys were singing "I want a shag, I want a shag" if I was even a bit close I am a bit jealous. Where can us middle aged cripples shout that?

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

Bath Hot Day

And I had a bath this afternoon, I turned the hot tap on a little bit and the cold tap loads more and it was quite comforting in the end.
Gosh but it's hot sunlight today

Still conscious

And I nipped to Morrison's s'morning, did a small amount of shopping and got in the car to come home. Nervous, nervous, nervous but I made it home, conscious the whole way

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone


Then s'morning I had a pee into the toilet.
It still amazes me how much longer it takes me to have a pee these days.
My bladder is so much better


Well, I am feeling normal again today and everything seems normal once again