Tuesday 3 May 2011


And tonight I was waiting for Freya. And waiting. And waiting. Then I got a txt message saying "Missed the bus, later..." so I waited even longer then at last she came. We were both better at being pleasant etc today. We had a beautiful dinner which I relearned how to cut Pitta bread (microwave for 20 seconds, then cut) we had a delicious and rather messy dinner then Freya said "Gotta go in 10 minutes". We waited for 2.25 hours for her lift to show up, 2 phonecalls etc
But Freya is beginning to have better taste in music, Blues and Heavy Metal this week


And I finally figured out how to make a txt label appear over a photo when you mouse overThat Gorgeous Jackie Chick practising for her gig at the National Park next year


And after I did my photo's etc I was eating some Muesli for brekky and one of my back teeth broke in half and dropped loadsa "stuff". It is hurting a bit now, much more when I eat etc. So I phoned the dentist and have made an emergency appointment for tomorrow when Paul is here with his car

Burry Port

And we got to Burry Port last night, went into the club, said "Where is it?" they said "Around t'other side" we went round and got good seats as there were only 4 other people there. Paul looked a bit panicy but I bought a pint and started to listen. By the time I had finished that pint there were loads of other Folkies in there and it was a good night, if very different from Iechyd Da but still good. We got back so late last night that I went str8 to bed and didn't put the flashless photos up 'til s'morning