Tuesday 24 October 2017


So that was the last of a series of busier and busier days. Finished now. Tomorrow it only sez 1 thing on my diary. OK it is fscking Aqua Aerobics but just that to do

So Next Week We Will Make.....

So this week I finished making my bird box and I am well proud of it. I thought I wouldn't be capable of owt and yet look at it. So when we hang it, hope for loadsa residents

Blinkin' Flip

So I have just bathed, napped, got my FES put on, hung out the washing, and now in 6 minutes we need to leave for the hospital in Llanelli
PITA.  And what a pain that was going to see the doc re my testosterone. Basically he didn't say or do anything useful. So we are headed back, I will cook then we are off to Men's Shed to hopefully finish my bird box


So I have another 8km to cycle before I am finished having so much fun
Only two and a half now......

Busy Day

So today I need to do my mega gym, have lunch, have an early bath&nap then we are off miles East to see a Dr who is discussing my Testoserone jab, how effective it has been etc, then after dinner we are off to that Man's Club in Ferrryside to, hopefully, finish my birdbox