Friday 11 March 2011

Le Pissoir

So today I had a piss before I went out with Denyse. Then we did loadsas stuff, including meeting with someone else, talking afterwards etc, then we came back here and talked some more. Then she left and I still didn't need a pee


Today I had to change my online appointments diary as they were suddenly insisting I paid for it. Dim diolch. So I had to type loadsa stuff into Google Calender, wait and see if it is good
Double Good lord, that diary decided to lose all my entries so I am trying another ATbM
(Sigh)Another one now(/S)


And later today she is coming here for a chat for a couple of hours then we are going off and interviewing someone for a job, looking after me
And what a day we had
Yes, we interviewed my new support worker, excellent, good stuff. He appears to care and be a smidge non conformist so he starts work on 17th March.... And we talked about loadsa stuff, she insists I will have a life so....

Very Strange

And when I went outside s'morning I couldn't focus my eyes for about the first 10 minutes, it was very strange and helped me realise how ill I have been and how they have tried to fix loads