Sunday 15 May 2016

With Two Hands

And I asked Alex to help, went to the oven and instead of using my usual oven glove I used the one with two handles, one at each end, and managed to lift the hot dish out of the oven, lid off, stir it, lid back and put it back in the oven. By myself, no assistance required. Checked and stirred
And using my right hand at the same time as my left is the important thing here

More Visitors

And all alone we had another visitor today...

Unexpected Shopping

Then we nipped to Morrisons to buy some cheese sauce to cook on the broccoli tonight and as well I got 2 baking spuds so we can have a 'not chips' accompaniment
Ooh and it was delicious, if the broccoli was a smidge undercooked it was still hot and chewable. And delicious the whole dinner was, baked potatoes with broccoli and other veg in a rich tomato sauce

Miss Him

So after Alex said "Lets go check the garden s'morning" and we did it occured to me how much I will miss him when he goes after next Wednesday

Cool Teacher

Someone on Ixion posted this note from a teacher to pupils yesterday, I approve