Friday 21 September 2012


Then we took that Toby chap out for a birthday meal as he is just 18 now. So we had a pie and a pint (or 3) and it was lovely.
My first born son is a grown up now, how old must I be?


And when I was making lunch I dropped my cafetiere and broke it, so we nipped into Wilkinson's and got a new one


Then we went back to the Doctors to say "Where is my reference to an eating specialist that you promised?" and he said "Whoops, I forgot, as soon as I saw u in my list of patients for today I remembered and wrote to them"


Then I took Freya's school work that she left here yesterday into her school. We parked and I was being pushed towards the school when Freya and Julia showed up in a car.
Freya had been in hospital for a MRI scan which turned out to be OK. She has an inflammation but it will hopefully be better, apparently


So Sara the Physio came s'morning and did loads of stepping and walking and balance exercises, including not leaning over when I walk etc which hurt loads but was worth it. I thought I had stopped leaning one way when I walked but she was polishing the cake