Thursday, 26 September 2013

What Fun

So me and Freya and Gareth who has never been before went to Iechyd Da tonight and it was rather excellent. In one song Freya stood up waving pet animals etc which was well cool


THEN we nipped to the recycling place where once again I was entering loads of members data into the PC.
And I did notice today that when I first started working on their PC I would read half someones 6 figure phone number and enter it then the rest whereas now I can read the whole number, in fact usually the code and number all in one go and enter it straight away

Extra Busy

So then first thing today me and Gareth had to head over to my doctors to get the "Free water" things which we left there a couple of days ago so that now he has signed it we send it off to the water company and get much cheaper water rates as there are some "medical" uses for it


And now I catchout myself walking eg from the loo to the living room with my walky stick tucked under my arm, not touching the floor

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone