Friday 29 May 2015

Computer Crisis

Then suddenly today my 'puter went wrong. When I was typing EVERYTHING WAS COMING OUT AS CAPITALS even tho the caps lock light was out, and typing numbers, instead of 1,2,3.... symbols were appearing !, ", £.... etc. It was as if a shift key was stuck down. Much pressing of buttons later I went into the kitchen and searched the interweb on the iPod, some minutes later I found summat which said "Press shift 5 times to unlock it" came back to my PC, pressed left shift key 5 times, it was still wonky afterwards, shifted my attention to the right shift key and visibly it was stuck down at one end, it is a long key and one end of it was stuck down, I tapped it once, it unlocked, came level and all the typewriter functions are proper again, 1,2,3 etc

Naan bread plain

And we had the usual Friday Night dinner of Na'an Bread Pizza and oven chips for tea. This week we hadn't been able to get the usual spiced up Na'an (garlic and coriander I think) just plain, so it wasn't as nice as usual but well OK for a weekend dinner

More Reasons To Shop At....

So because I was bored tonight Alex suggested we nip to Morrisons and get some G&B plain chocolate as recommended by Denyse and while we were there my eye was caught by a new product. It looks tasty, healthy, and having read the small print there is no added sugar...
And what colour is this flavour that I chose this week?


Then we headed off to gym. And it was a class without Sam!!! But the FES isn't working again, after we changed 1 part and it made loadsa difference now it is not working at all


So as usual on a Friday we headed to Aardvark and bought more than usual. As I had a go upstairs for some bog roll, I bought most of the other stuff from upstairs to save me a trip. And we bought loadsa veg, milk, yoghurt etc. And we bought 10 dates which were very nice, I had them as part of my lunch


I feel this story is close to my heart after they were sufficiently advanced to save my life, but what do they do now....