Wednesday 25 October 2017

Mobile Version

So first of all I linked seperately to a web page and a mobile phone version as there were some graphic issues. THEN I discovered in my already owned files how to do a phone version from the same URL, so I was able to take away the second link, knowing however you look at this that you get a visible version


Then we popped out before dinner time and headed to Farmfoods and picked up more really cheap chips and some baguette pizzas. And DON'T MENTION IT some ice cream

It Feels Odd

So s'afternoon I got changed for the pool so I am just wearing socks, no sockings until I come home later. 
It just feels different in some way.....


So I said to GGtGG that I want to head into...... B&Q? and fetch some screws and a hook and eye so we can put my birdbox up but he said "No, I have loads, instead of having to buy 100 to use 2 I will bring you in some on Saturday and I am sure there is some H&E in my cupboard"

Early Lunch

So in a bit I will eat some early lunch, then go and get changed into swimming trunx and clean clothes then in a bit longer we will head to Aqua Aerobics class/session
And wasn't it fun, today with Llinoss, the woman who usually takes the extra Mondy class too. 
And I did today.... well there is one exercise they do where you put one leg forward and the other back and today I managed to get the heel of my right foot down to the ground, when it was in the back position. Summat I have been trying to do unsuccessfully for some years now but I managed it today

I Wanted Some Chocolate

So I was heading to the kitchen thinking "I want to get fatter and unhealthier" wanting a big piece of chocolate but instead I ate an apple.
WTF's going on with my head???