Saturday 15 July 2017


Then later we headed over to Pembroke Castle for an evening of 60's bootleg entertainment, the headline of which was the Bootleg Beatles who actually were rather good and entertaining. When we got there with out "standing space only" tickets one chap looked at me and immediately, without having to be asked, walked over with us and got us let into the seats. The Pembroke support band werent too bad, the Bootleg Beachboys should have stayed at home looking for another job but the Bootleg Beatles were rather entertaining. I did stand up through that to have a boogle with a rather beautiful partner of some "bigger than me" chap
It was a good evening and night out, there was a selection of food made there, I had pizza, which wasn't too dear, and a bar.
 The underfoot wasn't too bad, mostly grass but reasonably well cared for. And as I can walk on stuff like that now.......
And I used the big pockets on the leg of my cream coloured trousers for the first time, the tickets were too big to fit in my bumbag but fitted perfectly in a newbie place

Dennis is a menace....

So today I looked at "What's on telly", and because of that I am now watching the men's wheelchair doubles. What can I say, just incredible


So we are going to some castle tonight to watch The Bootleg Beatles. Dunno....
Right. So we had a marginal panic. GGtGG phoned them up to ask various things but he said "We couldn't get seated area tickets, is there anywhere for a cripple to sit?" as I don't think I could stand up in a crowd for that long, she said "Yes, disabled area, bring your blue badge and you will be allowed in"
Minor crisis averted