Tuesday 12 July 2016

Après Nap

So we popped out again after my nap, headed into Wilkos and bought 4 much smaller plates for most of us to not eat too much of
Later we had microwaved.then.baked potatoes, beans and a cheesy/veg thing which was lovely.
According to the piece that sent me buying plates that is feeling more like a full dinner

Out Shopping

Then we headed out after lunch looking for slightly smaller dinner plates which we couldn't find but did pop in and get more cheap oven chips in a nearby store. So we had to come back for bath/nap but afterwards we are gonna nip out again and this time try Wilko

Mega Bike

So we headed to gym about lunchtime and I did my now Tuesday routine of a 10km cycle and I think that it was about 45 seconds quicker than last week.
So more progress has been made

Chicken Dinner

And I am now winning every day for a month and a half

If you look closely you can see how some days have 3 little pegs in and some (like the 8th of June) have none in, these were ones that it took me a bit longer to actually get right, to win