Tuesday, 10 January 2017


And today I bought myself a collection of lollies instead of a big ice cream. Now there are 12 lollies in the packet, it is the same size as, roughly, 2 of those tubs I have been eating. So tonight I have eaten one lolly, not a whole tub of ice cream which I have been eating occasionally


And I have got the fscking cold today, my nose is running, I am coughing like I am choking on food. I think luckily I had the anti-flu jab or I would be even iller. I suspect that I am gonna refuse to go to swimming exercise class tomorrow, just the gym will have to do it

Emergency Shop

And we popped out to Farmfoods and fetched more frozen food and a litre of UHT long life milk so if we do get stuck in here by snow we can eat and drink
And we actually shopped for a different kind of food than I normally buy today, I was watching out and it looks nice. Hopefully we can eat it leisurely when it doesn't snow

Meat Teeming

So all my staff and Denyse are having a team meeting here today so they can all slag me off etc. So I don't think there will be any Gym but perhaps we will go out for a long walk later or summat
(Sigh)Here they all are, talking in the kitchen(/S)
Already discussing how to nag Neil about taking half of his weight on his right foot........