Sunday 28 February 2016


And I won a game of pool s'evening

Walking About

So we headed into Carmarthen s'afternoon, parked across the road from Aardvark and set off up Blue St then Llamas St then Mansel St. Towards the end I heard a 6 year old boy say to his mum "Why is that man wearing an eyepatch?", I shouted across to him "Because I am a pirate, be scared" but he shouted back "No, you have a walking stick, not a gun". So yes, he saw through me
Mansel St was well uneven, bits up and down I had to really concentrate but I did it

Sunday Morning...

So we nipped to Morissons and did my weekly almost buy no food, buying blueberries, na-an bread and bugger all else.  We also paid on my other card for sum bleach etc for the staff to use