Tuesday, 30 October 2012


And we had to go and pick up that Toby chap and give him Bubble and Squeak for tea. He seemed in good form and was reasonably positive about college.

Right Hand

After lunch I got myself an apple (as I need to eat more fruit) and a knife to cut it into bite sized chunx. And I used my right hand to hold the knife in and cut it all up

Last But 1

And I went to my nearly last session at the stroke gym, I told her that I liked the mobility class and would be trssnsfering next week

Blood Test

Oh dear. We phoned the Doctor to get my result from my blood test last week and apparently my IFG is too high

Heating Bust

So the central heating and water heating in my house has broken. So we will phone the landlord.
He came out, tried to do his magic, no avail, tried again etc. No, still broken.
So tomorrow a mender is gonna come and mend it, apparently

Radical Bum Cleaning

So, as usual, I went and had a pooh s'morning. Seemed same as normal but for some reason cleaning it seemed to work better than usual so I didn't need any extra wipes today