Thursday, 9 October 2014


And today walking about with no FES on my right foot is still keeping flat with less of an effort from me. I used to have to concentrate to the loss of any other mental stuff but it seems easier now
And I walked into the pub tonight, no chair involved. No FES, but I could still do it


And we are going Farm Foods shopping in a bit then we are gonna go off to the pub up the street as after I have my injections tomorrow I won't be able to drink for a couple of days hence going out tonight

Strange Appointment

And I got a letter today asking my to come to Llanelli hospital for a study in Sleep Apnoeo. Dunno


And we went swimming today as everything is on the wrong day this week. But we did it, what fun


And the interweb needed resetting s'morning as there had been so much lightning last night. I think we had a long and glorious summer but autumn is now here