Saturday, 21 October 2017

*NEARLY* Not Runny

And my runny nose is loads better today. Still running slightly more than "not at all" but much less than yesterday

Winner Today

So yesterday there were two "error" codes there, then I solved them one after the other. Dunno why I was "being so clever" or what


BUT I am being rather impressed with how easily/well the new knifes cut through veg


So s'morning I changed the bed, the bed clothes are nearly dry now.
Well, while we were eating lunch the beeper went off and said "Dry now" so MM is doing his thing.....
And I made another batch of food but this time I cooked it all for a couple of hours then took out 2 containers worth which I will put in the freezer when it's chilled a bit more. To stop someone's wife saying "You can't eat that, it's too old"