Friday 3 January 2014


And me and Timmy headed out s'afternoon to investigate overflow tides, which there have been too many of recently. I think if we had got out of the car, as suggested by Timmy, I might have got some better photos but even so you can see the sea coming over the hi tide wall at Pendine, where Timmy lives so we didn't get stuck behind a closed road, Timmy knew alternative routes to get us back home

Drink Wine @ Home


And I went to Aardvark today without my FES being fitted but I was able to walk about some, up the steps and across the room there etc

Moon Button

And I had to ask Timmy "What's the moon button do?"
He said "Ah, press function, hold it and press the moon, goes into sleep mode"


And I had my pooh *before* my breakfast s'morning

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.

Summer Is Coming

So I got up at about 8.15 s'morning, 15 minutes after my alarm goes off most mornings and I didn't need to switch on the light. It is getting brighter.....