Thursday 2 August 2012


And tonight we braved veggie sausages and oven chips, as I have been cooking all week I thought I would try frozen food tonight.

Fire People

Then 2 reps from CCC Fire and Rescue Service came out to look over my property and tell me how often to test fire alarm etc. Basically they advised me some and went away again, I think they were reasonably pleased


So I got up extra early s'morning as we were expecting the wheelchair fixer between 9 and 1, but he didn't come. We tried to phone 'em at 1 but no answer til 2. So no gym at 2 as we were waiting. We finally spoke to someone and they said "Oh, we were coming next week"
Aargh, which I can't make as we will be at Splint Fixers in Cardiff that day...... We rearranged summat, eventually