Thursday 31 January 2013


So we are out having dinner at Caffi Iechyd Da and she came and took my order. She said "Salad with your quiche?". I thought "Chips" but I managed to resist and simply replied "Yes"

(sent from my phone)
And it was well full at Iechyd Da tonight, it was excellent

Early Freya-ing

And I was in bed for my nap when Freya txted me and said "No spanish class today, shall I just wait in town?" so I had to reply "No we will come and get you" so she is here for 3 or 4 hours before our date at Iechyd Da (noisy link)


And as we are so busy tomorrow we are going swimming today
Blinkin' flip. I actually enjoyed myself at the pool today!!!! I wasn't lifted in on a hoist (which I hate), I wasn't jumping in (which I hate less but still hate), but today there was a temporary steps not a ladder but steps, which I was able to walk down into the swimming pool