Friday, 11 December 2015

Nipped Out

And we nipped out later to the Tafarn Pantydderwen and had a socialise with locals night. Which was actually quite pleasant, folk recognised me and said hi and we all chatted

Yum yum

And we had that na'an bread pizza again for tea, like we do every Friday, and it was as delicious as ever


Then we didn't have time to come back here so we were 10 minutes early for gym class. It was a small class today, only 3 students at the start although that was un to 4 by the end. Again I was doing my get down and crawl backwards exercise but when I had finished I crawled back to the stand up on here seat and this time I pulled my right foot forward instead of the left, I left the left out of the way so I was just using the right, and I pressed down and stood up like that. Fark, it is IIRC 13¾ years since I was able to stand up on my right leg, it felt easy today.
Nearly 14 years....


So s'morning before gym we popped into Morrison's to have a look for some version of the Tofu Burgers which Timmy sez contain too much fatty cover in Aardvark. So I said to Alex "Bring the chair but push it behind me, I will walk 'til I am exhausted" but I walked in't shop, half way to the back turned left and walked to the other end, looked around and waljked all the way back to the car by myself. It seems like no time since I couldn't walk a couple of yards